Sunday, March 04, 2007


...1 Corinthians 13:13

And now these three remain:

faith, hope and love.

But the greatest of these

is love.

I love people, as I've said before. I know that this love is not from myself, but from God. He wants me to pass His love on to others, to love them like He does. I'm only human, so I'm going to mess up on the way, but if I give what I have for Him to use, He will.

I'm on my first social work placement just now, helping with childcare and parent groupwork in a family centre. I've had the priviledge of hearing some personal stories, and standing alongside individuals in their hard times. I've walked through some horrible circumstances with some friends recently too. I've caught a glimpse of brokenness, and maybe I've recieved a taste of God's heart, broken for those who don't know Him.

But it's hard. Not to take those burdens on myself. I've realised that I lack faith. I need faith to believe that God loves each of these people who know so little love in their lives. Even if it appears to me that He's not displaying His affection, He longs to comfort them. I need faith to believe that He listens to my prayers and works through me, when.

I need faith to believe that there is hope.