Thursday, December 06, 2007


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

...when will I learn?...

I quite fancy a seat under that tree

Monday, October 29, 2007

I've tried to post this so many times over the past few weekes, finally here we are! Maybe I'll do a couple extra photos some time this week to make up!

So I've been challenged recently on the way I 'spend time with God', or 'quiet time' as it's often known. I often find myself reading a bit of the bible, praying for a wee while and check the boxes, that's it done. The photo above is from a Sunday walk with a friend, we shared the afternoon, enjoying Creation all around. This was definitely 'time with God' too. I think I'm going to rechristen this stime with Him as 'Space with God'.

It's not about what I do in the time, it's about being WITH my Creator.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

...good stuff...

Promised photo No. 1: My Cousin! I've been having a lot of good times recently and have realised once again just how blessed I am. I have wonderful friends and family around me, living in a place I love, studying a course I'm passionate about and going to a church that feels like home.

This has stirred up something in me though. Jesus said 'freely you have received, now freely give'. I want more of this contentment and joy to spill out of me. To the people around me. Not sure quite how that's going to look yet though...I guess we'll need to wait and see...

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Oops, 4 months exactly since I last wrote. Well this post comes with a promise of weekly blogging, and lots of photos! I got a beautiful camera named Oscar for my 21st, so I'm going to post a new picture every weekend.
Since May a lot has happened, placement finished, summer work started, Clan Gathering, SU Camp and Africa. My overwhelming lesson of the summer was to enjoy life! I feel like God took me to Africa to refresh me, to tell me I'm His child, and that I don't need to worry. I spend so much time striving, but freedom for me is being who He made me to be and RELAXING in that!
In South Africa we went on safari, I would normally have to justify doing something as 'frivolous' and expensive as that. But God wants us to enjoy His creation, His crazy giraffes and zebras. As we chatted and watched Kruger fly by I felt a peace. I realised I didn't feel guilty about resting like I so often do. I guess that was a glimpse of grace, God's riches for me His child and I didn't even do anything to deserve it.
On a lighter note, we also saw hyena poo, which is white, because they eat bones! And in case you didn't realise, that's me at the top. I want to get back to that child's faith that my Dad wants good stuff for me!